(the series)
Explorations in Theology is a series of short books that offer some fresh perspectives on common themes. They are certainly not the final word, but are intended to open possibilities beyond a theology that selects a narrow set of ‘proof-texts’ (while ignoring others). Written in simple language, never demanding agreement with the author, they will become a resource to develop one’s own convictions.
IT’S MORE THAN A BOOK: connect in three ways
1# Read
These books are designed for you to read and take notes in the comfort of your surroundings and lifestyle patterns.
2# Discussion Forum
A place where you can join with others discussion themes from the book and share helpful links and resource notes.
3# Weekly Video Discussion Group
Martin Scott, the author, hosts a group video call once a week, discussing the salient points of each chapter. These events suggest a financial donation to cover preparation and running costs. For more information and available slots, contact Martin Scott.